Strategy and action plan

Flagship project
Sub-regional strategy and action plan
  • Institution
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development, Budapest
  • Location
  • Miskolc, Kazincbarcika, Ózd
  • Service
  • Team leader/Project Design
  • Duration
  • 1999
Sub-regional strategy and action plan for two traditional mining regions in BAZ-county

The region in north-eastern Hungary was characterised by coal mining and chemical industries, along with a tourism potential with its varied natural landscape – it is one of Hungary’s most geographically diverse regions, including mountain peaks and plains.

It was obvious that economic reorientation would become a necessity, with notably mining becoming uncompetitive. Potentials, particularly for FDI and autonomous (research/incubation/start-up based) were researched and a strategy and action plan developed, along with an EU-funded pilot project for producing and marketing medical plants.

Activities comprised:

  • a review of the regional background based on official/statistical data
  • structured surveys of enterprises and local administrations
  • presentation and discussions of findings in a participative planning workshop
  • strategy and action plan, including proposals for potential flagship projects
  • design of a flagship project in medical plants
  • study trip to Germany

The strategy and action plan builds on the results of a planning workshop. This was well attended by mayors, representatives of institutions and entrepreneurs of the area. The draft strategy was discussed with regional actors in the steering committee. The detailed action plan builds on inputs from the workshop, from the Szuha-Völgy and Örhegy regions and from the BAZ regional development agency. West Midlands Enterprise, Birmingham (UK)

Assessment / analysis

Project design

EU grant funds

Organisational development

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