Improving the performance of Polish development agencies

Assessment for the association of Polish regional development agencies
Design of an advisory project for the National Association of Polish Regional Development Agencies and Foundations (KSAiFRR)
  • Institution
  • KfW
  • Location
  • Warsaw and regional centres
  • Service
  • Team leader / Organisational concept
  • Duration
  • 1994
Improving the performance of Polish development agencies

Regional development agencies had been established to promote the development of their respective regions. The German Bank for Reconstruction (KfW) funded a study to develop an advisory concept for the National Association of Polish Regional Development Agencies and Foundations (Krajowe Stowarzyszenie Agencja i Fundacje Rozwoju Regionalnego w Polsce). In particular, this aimed at strengthening the central Association in its role as facilitator and adviser to the member organisations; with a focus on efficient structures and procedures of regional development. Due to the short time available, a team led by Mr Pornschlegel chartered and aircraft and visited a number of regional economic development organisations / agencies (RDAs). The discussions held with the RDAs provided the basis for developing, jointly with the central Association KSAiFRR, a concept to ensure that these could sustainably provide effective services for their regions. GOPA, Bad Homburg (Germany)

Assessment / analysis

Project design

EU grant funds

Organisational development

The quicker I make myself redundant,
the more successful I’ve been.
Thomas Pornschlegel