EU grant funds
- Structuring / organisational development of Managing Authorities
- Staff training and coaching
- Defining of procedures and drafting of manuals / guidelines
- Drafting and review of operational programmes
- Grant schemes / PRAG compliance
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Cross-border co-operation
- Grant applications and grant project management
Securing grant funds to advance your region
We guide you through the maze of EU rules and regulations and ensure your structures, procedures, processes and documentation are fully compliant. We help develop and implement operational programmes, multi-annual programmes, action documents and grant schemes. Additionally, we work with applicants in drafting project applications and with beneficiaries in implementation and evaluation.
- International Metacluster
- National Investment Committee
- Western Balkans
- IPA Programming 2012 – 2013
- Regional Development Montenegro
- IPA Programming 2009
- IPA Project Preparation Facility
- IPA 2009 Croatia
- Project fiche Bar-Belgrade railway
- IPA programming Montenegro
- Support to preparations for IPA II
- Inter-regional Co-operation Support
- Multi-annual programming, Bulgaria
- Multi-annual Programming Romania
- First Class Industrial Parks
- Pre-accession funds Estonia
- Ministry for Regional Development, Prague
- Phare 2001 ESC Funds in Bulgaria
- Borsod – Abaúj – Zemplén, Hungary
- Mining reconversion, Romania
- Mining reconversion, Slovenia
- Cross-border commercial park, Wissembourg / Bad Bergzabern