Mit RegioFuturi entfalten Sie die besten Möglichkeiten Ihrer Region.

Konkret. Strukturiert. Erfolgreich.

Thomas Pornschlegel, Diplom-Volkswirt
Sie möchten Stärken ausbauen, Schwachpunkte überwinden und neue Potenziale nutzen. Wir sprechen mit den regionalen Akteuren, analysieren die Erkenntnisse und konzipieren gemeinsam einen individuellen Handlungsrahmen. Bei dessen Realisierung werden Sie von RegioFuturi fundiert mit langjährigem Know-how begleitet.
Wir erarbeiten regelkonforme Strukturen und Verfahren zur optimalen Nutzung der EU-Fördermittel.
Was andere sagen

This is an extraordinary success … and we thank Mr Pornschlegel for his commitment and valuable contributions to the development of the PCMU. EAR regards this project as one of the most successful in the Western Balkans.

Gordana Lazarević
Assistant Minister, Ministry of Finance, Belgrade

Thomas performed very well in difficult circumstances – including a very tight timetable, numerous and poorly co-ordinated Bulgarian stakeholders and a limited understanding of multi-annual planning in Bulgaria.

Philip Rose
European Commission, DG Enlargement (ELARG C1)

I can say that he has been very successful in his task, he knew how to transfer his knowledge in terms of management and planning. He has excellent knowledge of the Balkans, speaks the local language and he has an excellent network of contacts which was very important for us.

Jelena Krivčević
Executive Director, Regional Development Agency for Bjelasica, Komovi and Prokletije, Montenegro

The aim of this fax is to express you the PPDR’s deep gratitude for your participatian in the PRIMUS IQADE II Project. You have accomplished the mission; PPDR is satisfied with the results. Thank you very much for being with us across the way. THANK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH THOMAS!!!”

Ana Lopes da Silva, Isabel Brito
PPDR, Lisbon